Reaching to the Community and the World

How do we do it?


As a student ministry we will make it our pursuit that every student meets Jesus. Not a version of Jesus that we make, not the version of Jesus that the world gives, but Jesus the Son of God, the Jesus of the Bible. We want every student to have an encounter with Him to the point of full surrender.


We can't expect the people around us to have revival until we have revival on the inside. This isn't just saying "yes" to Jesus at an altar but to understand that because we are born into a fallen world that revival starts with making a decision to be like Jesus. Drawing a circle around ourselves and asking God to bring revival to that circle so that we can bring it to those around us.


Reaching and loving other people is one of the main characteristics of a person who has truly accepted the love and grace of God in their own life. Serving is in our DNA and it is an honor to show others the love that our gracious God has shown to us.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday Service @ 7:00pm | Doors Open @ 6:30pm

Circles are our small groups that meet the 4th Wednesday of the month at Revival Temple. The primary goal of our circles are to create a safe and welcoming environment for students to grow in their faith, build authentic relationships, and develop a deeper understanding of discipleship. We emphasize vulnerability and support within the group to foster genuine connections and spiritual growth.

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