How it all started...
Revival Temple was founded in July 1930 in Walker, Louisiana. Shortly thereafter, a small building was built on Walker North Road, and thus the beginning of a local church. Over a short time, the congregation grew and additions were made to the facilities.

Spiritual Heritage...
W.S. McMasters began serving as Pastor in March, 1958. The needs of those attending Revival Temple outgrew the Walker North Location and in 1980, the church relocated to Walker South Road.
Faith is rising up...
The initial construction at this site included a sanctuary seating 550, a fellowship hall, and educational facilities. In 1998 a multi-purpose facility, our Family Life Center, was constructed. After forty-three years of faithfully serving as pastor, W.S. McMasters retired in March 2001.

Expanding the vision...
In April 2001, Wes Courtney began serving our congregation as Lead Pastor. As Revival Temple continued to expand, an additional ten acres of land was purchased as well as construction of a new sanctuary in January 2009 and new parking lot in 2024.
How far we have come...
As Revival Temple has grown in number, we have expanded our facilities, and being involved locally, nationally, and internationally, our desire remains unchanged.

Where we are headed...
Revival Temple exists to make Jesus famous in the city of Walker, the nation, and the world by helping people be disciples who make disciples.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10a.