One thing we can always do is pray for our brothers and sisters who have committed their life to the mission field.

Meet the Missionaries

Wade Adams

Wade Adams Ministries
Wade took his first mission trip in 1997 to Ukraine. From then he knew  he had to be part of the missions field. Now he is serving God wherever and whenever needed.

Project: Funding for construction and supplies to feed children in Aguascaliente, Mexico

Darrell & Darlene Dakin

Aaron's Mission Outreach
Darrell & Darlene went on their first short term mission trip to Honduras in 2005 and moved to Honduras in 2006. They went without knowing the language, no training, and very little support. They host short term mission teams, build and pastor churches, feed 4 schools on the mountain weekly, provide education for 50 students, operate a medical clinic, and are hoping to start a Christian Bilingual School.  

Project: Funds are needed to purchase a tractor for the daily operations of the ministry to provide food/work for outreach in Honduras.

Randy & Donna Denton

Spirit and Truth Ministries
Randy and Donna Denton have been involved in full-time missions since 1988. They build churches, oversee pastors, conduct a Feeding Hungry Children program, build feeding centers and facilitate various humanitarian aid ministries to the underprivileged.

Project: This ministry needs funding to provide for their annual Christmas outreach in Mexico. The funds will be used to buy toys, care packages, blankets, clothing, shoes, food, etc. for impoverished children and families.

Chady El Aouad

Abundant Life Church
Pastor Chady El Aouad is the Founder & Senior Pastor of Abundant Life Church and Ministries in Beirut, Lebanon. ALC is one of the leading churches in the Middle East and the fastest growing evangelical and charismatic church in both Lebanon and Syria.

Project: We are committed to help at least 250 refugee and poor families in Lebanon and the Middle East each month with a box of parcels that can sustain them for the whole month. Each box of parcels cost around $60.

Pat & Mary Franks

Harvest International, Inc.
Pat & Mary are the founders of Harvest International, Inc. They have been in ministry for over 55 years traveling internationally for 34 of those years. They have ministered in over 25 countries and on 5 continents.

Project: Trip to Cuba to deliver aid, teach in a Bible School, and Pastors seminar, and finances for building fund for Bible School and evangelistic relief teams.

Ron & Rina Kinnear

Africa Missions
Ron & Rina are full-time missionaries to Africa. They founded Africa Missions 27 years ago. Their dream of taking the Gospel from Cape Town to Cairo is almost realized and they are now busy launching into Ethiopia and will soon be in Sudan and Egypt.

Project: Funds needed for training children evangelistic teams for ministry in unreached area. 

Dean Lowman

Heaven's Reach Ministries
After being called to missions, Dean and Melissa Lowman left their careers as a computer business owner and labor nurse respectfully and moved to Honduras. Heaven's Reach Ministries exists to meet needs, change hearts to disciple the people of Honduras through public school outreaches, medical clinics, a nutrition education program to expecting mothers, a feeding center and a church.

Project: Funds needed for church planting in unreached areas of Honduras. Fuel and supply cost for one village is $250 a month.

Gary Miracle

Victory International
Gary has been a minister of the Gospel for over 35 years, reaching the 
lost in the US and all around the globe.

Project:  Funds for a leadership conference in Africa

Stephen & Bronwen Niles

Youth With A Mission
Steve & Bronwen are from hippie backgrounds and were saved from drugs and immorality. Bronwen is a teen challenge graduate and Steve was miraculously saved while bicycling Europe. God has given them a passion for reaching drug addicts and working in inner cities. They currently direct Youth With a Mission (YWAM) Ministries in New Orleans.

Funds for International travel to Africa, Panama, & the Philippines for ministry

Chris & Becky Ranalli

Transformation Missions
Chris has been in missions for more than 25 years. He is based out of the USA currently and continuing to focus our ministry in Ecuador.

Funds needed to ship household goods to Ecuador when we return in November.

Ron & Phyliss Roy

Ron Roy Ministries 
Ron & Phyliss have been planting churches for the last 28 years. They are cooridinators for ministerial training bible schools in Mexico, Belize, & Guatamala.

Funds needed to purchase a tractor and bush hog for established ministerial campground in Belize.

Gail Stathis

EME Ministries
Gail is the co-founder of EME Ministries and lead Pastor in Athens, Greece. She has been in full-time ministry for 45 years. EME’s mission strategy is a 3 part strategy that helps create stable, long-term worshiping centers for transforming communities for Christ through the local church, education, and business development.  

Funds are needed to establish a safe place to train and prepare people seeking to work in the regions around Greece.

Wade Thompson

Destiny Leadership Int’l 
Wade and Linda each have over forty years of international, market-place, and local church ministerial experience working on five continents of the world. Wade holds a Master of Ministry in Christian Leadership from Southwestern Christian University in Bethany.
Wade and Linda recently transitioned in October of 2020, after 13 years of living and serving in former East Communist Germany to Grapeland, Texas. Ministry Purpose and Focus: Equip, Activate, and Release all Generations into their unique spiritual, and emotional growth tracks & Spheres of Influence.

Funds needed for rental costs of Rehoboth Discipleship Center in Grapeland, Texas. $300 per month

Dean & Doris Turner

International Missions Network 
Growing up in the Dallas, Texas area, we were married in 1970. In the summer of 1975, Jesus became the Lord of our lives. We have three sons and the youngest is still at home. In 1982, the Lord called us into ministry, specifically for work in Eastern Europe. We began to fulfill this call in March, 1985, when we moved to Germany. We began traveling in and out of Romania, and working with a local German church. We have also ministered, and lived, in the Czech Republic, Estonia, and Russia. For the time being, the United States is our base and we travel to the different countries from here. We also have ministered in India and Armenia.

Funds to purchase a campground, or other facility in a safe zone for a pastor in Nikolaev, Ukraine who is currenlty located in an area that is constantly under attack and threat of bombing.

Isaac Villanueva

Ambassadors For Christ 
Ambassadors for Christ is dedicated to train pastors, build churches, and evangelize the lost.

Funds to pay the import taxes and the remainder of the balance on their 2 ministry vehicles.

Mark & Karen Dubois

Fountain of Life Ministries
We've been in full time ministry at Fountain of Life for the past 15 years.  Prior to that, Karen and I served at Revival Temple under Pastor Wes and Melissa Courtney.

Funds needed for expenses incurred while opertating a residential facility that houses men battling addiction in Albany, La

Jose Rodriguez

Crossnet Global 
Jose hails from Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, and came to GlobalGrace Fellowship after serving 30 years in the military, retiring as an Army Chaplain in December, 2012. He serves as the International Field Director and on various Teams at GGF. His duties have him providing member care and visiting GGF missionaries. When he’s not busy with missions, he likes to read and fish and spend time with his family. He has been married to Sandy for 45 years. Together, they have three sons, and five grandchildren.

This ministry exists to help establish mission programs in small to medium churches, sending agencies, and Christian education institutions, as well as train missionaries overseas. Funds are needed to continue this endeavor

Winston Gray

Duncans Evangelistic Temple 
Winston Nuttall Gray Jr. is a licensed and ordained pastor and teacher. He is a second generation pastor and teacher of the late Winston Nuttall Gray Sr. Where He is now senior pastor for Duncans Evangelistic Temple. He serves the community of Duncans Trelawny in Jamaica.

Funds needed for upgrade of windows and doors at the church facility at Evangelistic Temple in Duncans, Jamaica.

Sara Villanueva

Family Worship Center 
Sara will continue the work that her late husband, Ruben, started over 45 years ago. The main focus of that ministry is to encourage pastors and local churches in Mexico. They supply whatever they can to help the pastors accomplish the work of the Lord.

Funds for a Christmas Outreach and food drive in Montermorelos, Mexico

Cecilia Wellington

West Africa Ministries
I am a native of Sierra Leone, and I came to Christ in 2004 after right after the end of the civil war. I have been serving the Lord since then in local churches. I married my late husband in 2012, and joined him in his ministry pastoring the El-Bethel Worship Center, and also traveling back to Sierra Leone for short-term mission trips. We built and continue to operate an elementary school in the remote village of Maken, Africa and continue to do social work for village schools, as well as build wells for safe/clean water and supply students with school supplies.

Funds are needed to build a water well, provide school furniture, and formal training and certification for teachers.

Jimmy & Angel Justice

CHMI Belize
Christian Heritage Ministries International(CHMI) was founded by Angel's father, Bishop Ray A. Freeman, Sr. in 2003. In 2009, Jimmy & Angel moved their family to Belize and assumed leadership upon her dad's passing. They continue with the vision that has been laid out which is to teach, train, and equip pastors and leaders of Belize. Their ministry is focused on working with teachers and schools because they are the future leaders and pastors. CHMI hosts annual conference, short-term mission teams, as well as several Belizean ministries annually.  

Funds needed for print materials, Bibles, and other supplies used in classes for adults and youth.

Mark & Julie Morse

Kingdom Purpose International
Mark & Julie Morse are International Missions Mobilizers with a passion to encourage, equip and empower the Church to reach their neighbors and the nations with the Gospel. Mark & Julie’s vision is for every believer to live unhindered as Ambassadors for Christ; to thrive in their Kingdom Purpose.
They collaborate with influencers, ministers and ministries to bring needs & resources together in order to advance the Kingdom. They train pastors and leaders in the U.S., Europe and Tanzania, East Africa, equipping and empowering them to take the Gospel to the unreached. They have 4 adult children and 6 grandchildren who all live in Wales, UK.

Monthly Support Needed $1400/month
Funds to continue travel the United States in an effort to ignite fires of revival and breakthrough, mobilizing the US church for mission.

Javier & Danielle Mendoza

Connect Global
We exist to bring the truth and love of Jesus to people around the globe by following the example of Jesus, meeting both spiritual and physical needs. We have had 252 women make a decision to follow Christ through our ministry at the Maternity Home. Our School of Missions is officially launching and will be shepherded by Pastor Edguardo and Olguita who have served La Ceiba, Honduras with a heart for world missions for 30+ years. Through our Education Initiative we are able to speak publicly and openly about the life of Jesus and speak truth to many schools throughout Honduras.

Funds needed to cover the costs of materials and labor for a proposed church building in Trujillo, Honduras for Pastor Nahun Flores as he continues his mission to reach and see every Garifuna saved.

Mitch Arbelaez

Go To Nations
Dr. Mitch’s focus is on mobilizing the world-wide church to change their mentality from being a mission field to becoming a missions force. He provides teaching and training to leaders, pastors, and missionaries. He has been a full-time missionary with Go To Nations since 2007 ministering in 30 nations.
Translation work of mission mobilization material into Portuguese language for ministry in Brazil

Jameson Titus

Christ for India
Jameson P. Titus, My wife, Deanna, and I have been married for 37 years CFI, in the last 43 years, has produced much fruit in the land of India. The New Testament Church continues to grow by planting and building new churches each year. The Children’s School is training India’s future leaders in a Christian environment, the Home provides a secure atmosphere with love, food, clothing, and shelter.
Funds needed to replace aging/irrepairable ministry vehicles in India

Sameh & Connie Sadik

Operation Serve International - Egypt
Sameh Sadik is a Pastor and Leader that leads the ministry of Operation Serve International focusing on Evangelism in Mexico and Egypt and Leadership training through Conferences. Connie Sadik is a a Registered Nurse who is an Advocate for the suffering Women and Children around the world. Connie is passionate about mentoring this and the next generation of missionaries.

Funds needed to complete tile project at the OASIS training facility in Egypt @ $1 per tile  

Rosi Cortina

Operation Serve International - Mexico
Rosi was born and raised in Mexico City.  She came to Christ in 1985. She began serving with OSI as volunteer translator. Rosi serves in Mexico with short term international teams, short term national teams, Pastors and Women Conferences in Mexico, and Organizes and overviews the ministry activities on the field. Rosi is committed to train up the next generation of missionaries from North & Latin America to reach our World Rosi is the National and Field Director of the Ministry in Mexico.

1)Funds for 3 a/c units at OSI base in Mexico City - $1200 each
2)Funds needed to purchase a laptop OSI base in Mexico City - $900

David & Sarah Ibrahim

Village to Village Ministries
David was born and raised in Pakistan and served in full time ministry evangelizing Muslims. Through a series of events, he relocated to the US for his personal safety.  Gradually the Lord started opening doors for him to visit churches and share the plight of persecution and what it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ in the Islamic world.  He was reunited with his wife and family in 2006 in the US, and together they are sharing with the American church the Islamic persecution around the world.

Distribution of “joy” bags to under privileged children in Pakistan. Each bag contains necessary school supplies, personal hygiene items, cookies, chocolates, and a toy. Goal is 600 students @ $20 per bag

Al & Marti Robles

Latin Ministries Extended
Al & Marti have been in ministry for over 21 years in Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala. They build churches, do humanitarian work, work with children through Vacation Bible School , and women through Bible Studies.

Funds needed to complete building project in Panama
Funds for VBS and ministry to women and families with groceries and clothing.

Rudy & Carmen Guerra

Rudy Guerra Ministries
Rudy Guerra begin ministry through evangelism in 1974. In 50 years of evangelism he has pastored a church, Potter’s House in Seguin, TX and now travels the USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama, Africa. His missions is to encourage pastors, and edify believers, through song, teaching and preaching. Willing to do anything and everything towards extending God's Kingdom.

Ministry celebrates 50 years this year and funds are needed for celebration of ministry in USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama, Africa.

Steve & Shelly Hopkins

Latin Equip
Steve & Shelly Hopkins began ministry in 1983, pastoring in Mexico City. In 1987, they formed Latin Equip with the heart to impart teaching and encouragement to Spanish-speaking pastors for healthy ministry. LE has trained 21,000 leaders, and brought 35,000 people to Christ.

Funds needed for February 2025 Pastoral Roundtables in Cartagena, Barranquilla & Colombia 

KC & Sarah George

Inernational Gospel Mission, Inc.
KC was born and raised in India. He came to the US in 1968 for further education.  He began working in the mission field of North India in 1972. In 1975, International Gospel Mission, Inc. was established and he has served as President since that time. He works as an oversee of the work in India to raise funds to further the work of the Gospel there. His heart's desire is to see the Great Commission fulfilled and souls won into the Kingdom of God in India.  

1)Funds to build a church in Nepal -$4,000
2)Funds to purchase bicycles for 20 Pastors in Nepal for travel  @ $115 per bike = $2300
3)Bibles in Nepali & Hindi language - $2,250

Cheryl Robles

Operation Latin America
Cheryl traveled and ministered with her late husband, John Robles for over 40 years. She is now involved in ministry to free some from sex-trafficking and several other ministries to help hurting women in the United States and Mexico.

Funds for a pastors conference and outreach to deliver crucial medical supplies, address urgent healthcare needs, and provide hygiene supplies to promote overall public health in Mexico City

Babu John

Roadrunner World Missions, Inc.
Called by God to be a cross-cultural missionary to the northern part of India since 1977. We share the message of Christ and serve the poorest of the poor; training, planting churches, and helping them live.

Funds needed for current construction of homes for elderly

Samuel Karunanithi

Living Word International Outreach
After I got saved in 1966, God put a call in my life in 1971 to reach nations. God did many supernatural things to reach 46 nations in my 53 years of ministry. I thank God for partners Like Pastor Wes Courtney of Revival Temple, who supports and encourage many ministries.

Funds needed to provide clothes, school supplies and Christmas gifts for orphanage children. Funds for pastors conference in two countries/five cities, and provide one meal and small $10 offering for each pastor.

Travis & Gina Moffitt

Moffitt Family Ministries International
Travis, Gina, and Noah live in the USA, and regularly work with pastors and missionaries in the US and several other nations to help them develop better leadership, greater alignment to God and a healthy spirit, soul and body. They develop Christian Ministry Leaders through preaching, teaching, collaborative work efforts, seminars and one-on-one and group coaching.

Funds are needed to travel to Mexico and Honduras in 2025 to work with leaders in conference and one-on-one settings

Martin Fessler

Temples of Praise Missionary Outreach
Martin Fessler has served faithfully in foreign missions for 60+ years. Through this continued ministry and publication of four (4) discipleship training books, he has seen the fruit of their labor as the third generation of trainees are pastoring and evangelizing in sharing the Gospel.

Funds for printing & shipping Book II for the ‘KNOWING GOD’ series 

Steve McKnight

Steve McKnight Ministries
Steve is a full time Evangelist. He hosts “Healing In His Presence “ miracle services where there emphasis is healing for spirit soul and body.

Funds needed for a new ministry van.

Dale Yerton

The Living Faith International
Dr. Dale Yerton has been in ministry since 1957. Today, The Living Faith Global Network includes ministries from 5 nations and provides training and support for pastors and lay ministers. They are holding a seminar in October for pastors who want to start Christian schools.
They are believing this will lead to a Christian school movement across Mexico and Latin America.

Funds are needed to help in this endeavor.

Johnny Moffitt

Worldwide Voices in the Wilderness
Johnny was saved in 1972 out of a motorcycle club and from alcohol and drugs. Johnny & Betty married in 1972 and founded a Texas Boys Ranch in 1973. They founded Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness in 1978. Since then, they have ministered in prisons in 27 nations and 35 states. Their focus since 1995 has been 3 day marriage seminars in the prisons of Texas and training prison ministers in other nations.
Funds for prison marriage seminars for 30 couples at $300 per couple


Join us as we reach to the world and see the harvest come in.